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La synapse à l'échelle du milliardième de mètre :
une dynamique insoupçonnée révélée pour la première fois.
Environmental use of "nanotechnology" highlights regulatory
inadequacies and lack of clarity in the nanotech industry.
Les nanotechnologies n'équiperont pas les produits du marché
avant dix ans.
Les nanotubes de carbone décrochent un nouveau record
de conductivité électrique.
ITU Digital  Acces Index : World's fisrt global ICT ranking.
Amplitude Systemes announces breakthrough in diode-pumped femtosecond oscillators
The first images of the transition of a solid into a liquid in femtoseconds.
Des scientifiques du Technion-Israel Institute of Technology sont parvenus à fabriquer un transistor étonnant, en combinant de l'ADN et des nanotubes de carbone.
Des chercheurs affirment avoir suspendu le vol de la lumière pendant un instant.
Des chercheurs tentent de trouver des applications pour la fabrication de puces.
The fastest stopwatch in the world.   This apparatus is capable of measuring the duration of atomic processes with an accuracy of less than 100 attoseconds.
Ce récit raconte l'histoire exceptionnelle de Balayogi, textuellement " l'enfant-yogi ". Il fut absorbé durant quarante années en samadhi - l'état de méditation le plus profond qu'un être humain puisse atteindre - sans se nourrir, sans boire, sans dormir, sans voir la lumière du jour...
Creation d'une Unité mixte internationale franco-japonaise
sur les microsystèmes et les nanotechnologies.
The Meatrix, un modele de dessin anime militant, hilarant et viral
L'homme a evolue plus vite que le chimpanze.
Microchirurgie en impesanteur, une première mondiale
The food and agriculture organisation of the United Nations (FAO) has launched an initiative to help students, researchers and scientists from developing countries gain free and low cost access to scientific literature.
It is 99.8% Air, provides 39 times more insulating than the best fiberglass insulation, 1,000 times less dense than glass, was used on the Mars Pathfinder rover...What is this ?
La Bourgogne parie sur les nanotechnologies.
Micronora informations : Nanomonde, petite histoire de la miniaturisation.
Naissance de FEMTO-ST en Franche-Comte.   Avril 2004   n°97.
Un scientifique marocain brille au Canada :
Mosto Bousmina remporte la prestigieuse Bourse Steacie.
New nanotech effect : moving water molecules by light.
Link to buyable article.
The Stazi puzzle resolved with computer.
Is antrigravity technology being employed in the B2 bomber ?
Companies which invest heavily in research and development (R&D) do better on the stock market, the latest UK R&D scoreboard has found.
A German-US study has proved wine connoisseurs to be correct, indicating that the shape of a glass does have a significant effect on the odour and therefore enjoyment of a wine.
France's commission for cultural affairs has published a report on science communication in which it states that conveying science to the masses should be made a national priority.
The UK's farm scale evaluations of genetically modified (GM) crops, the largest study if its kind to date, has failed to conclude whether such technology is better or worse for the environment.
Representatives of some of Europe's leading research institutes signed a declaration on 22 October, pledging to promote greater dissemination of scientific knowledge & human reflection via Internet
The Commission has published details of several research projects which scientifically prove that condoms, if used properly, are a safe and reliable way of preventing the spread of the AIDs virus.
A procedure for measuring the power output of photovoltaic solar cells, developed by the European Commission's Joint Research Centre (JRC), has been adopted by the international electrotechnical commission (IEC), clearing the way for harmonisation of the global solar cell market.
The first ever European virtual microencapsulation institute.
OECD Science, Technology and Industry Scoreboard 2003.
Les nanotubes remplis peuvent favoriser un enregistrement haute densité.
Des physiciens de l'Université Cornell ont utilisé un faisceau laser
pour pincer les cordes de la plus petite guitare au monde.
...les trois nouvelles tendances qui font saliver les jeunes chercheurs:
recherche sur les protéines, gestion de la complexité et nanotechnologies.
Kasparov affronte X3DFritz.
Atomic holographic nanotechnology sets pace for the Future
Albert Einstein's Theory of Relativity is now OBSOLETE!
Illinois researchers create world's fastest transistor : 509 gigahertz !
Molecular structure offers insight into nanoscale self-assembly,
solution chemistry.
Intel supprime le silicium de ses processeurs.
A la decouverte du nanomonde.   (PDF 4.8 Mo)
Nouveaux records pour la voiture solaire Nuna II
Memscap annonce l'acquisition d'OpsiTech.
Selon des experts, une nouvelle ère de la biotechnologie est arrivée.
Intel met son système de fabrication de puces
au service de la recherche contre le cancer.
Les demandes de brevet concernant la nanotechnologie
augmentent rapidement en Chine.
Rencontre avec une délégation d'experts russes en nanotechnologies.
Nanotechnologies : l'éthique attendra.
Le premier rat clone.
A coalition of researchers unhappy with the cost of subscriptions to scientific journals has decided to set up a 'public library of science', a new range of online publications freely available to all.
An ambitious project to develop a conscious robot.
A consortium of UK and German researchers has successfully transformed the radioactive isotope Iodine-129, a major waste product from nuclear power generation, into the safer isotope Iodine-128, using laboratory lasers.
Free Europe without software patents.
Chemists ID process to sort carbon nanotubes by electronic properties.
Des chercheurs de l'Université de Bielefeld comptent observer le mouvement des électrons avec la caméra la plus rapide du monde avec un temps d'ouverture d'environ 10-18 seconde (1 attoseconde).
Nanotechnologies: annonce de nouvelles trouvailles en Europe.
Nanotubes surprise again: ideal photon emission.
Greenpeace lance le débat sur les dangers des nanotechnologies.
Fluoronanotubes win prestigious R&D 2003 Award.
Greenpeace report on nanotechnology.
A new UK report represents one of the first steps towards a public debate. It addresses both the hype surrounding nanotechnology and the concerns that many have regarding the impact of the science.
Cosmos 1 : the first solar sail.
Australian scientists are working on molecular coatings
that could inform the development of digital paper.
Canon to spend 200 bln yen for research in emerging technologies - report.
Miniature biolab embedded on silicon chip.
The Galileo joint undertaking has launched a recruitment drive for staff.
Israeli scientists have succeeded in using a beam of sunlight
to remove a lesion from a liver during surgery.
Hot spots on mars give hunt for life new target.
Holographic images may catch speed of light.
Nanoparticles keep brain cells alive.
Scientists claim they have made the first true NEMS (nanometre-scale electromechanical system) device based on a multiwalled carbon nanotube.
Micro-usines, micro-assemblage, micromecanique sur silicium :
quel avenir pour la miniaturisation ?   Micronora informations   07-2003.
Electronic Paper.   /   Nanoparticles reinforce steel.

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