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Researchers in Germany are now able to generate ten times as much electricity using microbial fuel cells compared with previous designs, thanks to the use of a newly designed anode and help from the bacteria themselves.
An Italian medieval fresco, hidden for around fifty years after an accident with some glue, has been restored following the discovery that bacteria can do the job better than any solvent.
How can you explain what is meant by NANOTECHNOLOGY?
Presentations are downloadable in PDF and Powerpoint in 11 langages.
Une etude montre que le nano-transistor peut s'enclencher avec un seul electron et pourrait convenir parfaitement aux ordinateurs moleculaires.
DNA makes nano barcode.   /   The promises, perils for nanotech.
Boeing to develop the world's first fuel cell-powered Airplane for manned flight.
Automobile intelligente : de la mecanique a l'electronique.Micronora informations 04/2003 n°93
Super-fast microscope comes into focus.
Machines that reproduce may be reality.
Intel keeping options open at 32-nm node.
Nanotech exec named to federal panel.
Supporting responsible nanotechnology research will benefit Europe's citizens, says head of unit, Renzo Tomellini.
The promise of ultratiny devices moves forward on many fronts.
Nanotube applications grow and grow
Invest Northern ireland welcomes £90M investment in nanotechnology.
Nanotech strategy could create new organs.
Jefferson team building COTS Supercomputer.
Motorola demonstrates viability of world's first
4-megabit silicon nanocrystal memory device.
Breakthrough to cut cost of flat-screen TVs using CN's.
Meteorite reveals signs of life from space
The first ever international seminar on the societal impacts of nanotechnology, held at the European Parliament on 11 June.
Nanotechnology: the next small thing.
Super fibers: Nanotubes make tough threads.
Nanotechnology research from Sweden highlighted
at BIO2003 in Washington.
Pa. company invests in Nanotechnologies.
A pan European team of physicists has measured the largest ever magnetic anisotropy energy (MAE). The finding will contribute to the design of new magnetic materials for information storage.
The International Journal of Computer and Telecommunications Networking will publish a special issue on future advances in military communications systems and technology and is seeking papers for the edition.
Industry network for renewable resources and materials.
Top nanotechnology researchers move to Canada.
The world will have a huge energy and environmental crisis on its hands by 2030, predicts a study carried out by an EU consortium of research teams.
Dossier : les nanobiotechnologies. (pdf 507Ko.)
Nanoarchitectonics Research Center.
Scientists spy on growing nanoparticles.
NASA-supported researchers are learning to make designer cells
for dehydrated blood supplies and space-age medicines.
One month ago, a batch of peas onboard the ISS were full of life
and vivid green. Now they're brown and dry; they've "gone to seed.".
High-tech project aims to make super-soldiers.
WASHINGTON, 12 mai (AFP) - L'andrologue américain Panayiotis Zavos a obtenu un embryon humain par la technique du clonage et compte l'implanter dans l'utérus d'une femme dans "les semaines à venir", a-t-il indiqué lundi à l'AFP.
RBM Volume 6, No 4 June 2003 CONTENTS
Albert Einstein's archives on line.
Rapport de mission sur les couches minces d'oxydes.
Frozen light: cool NASA research holds promise.
Magnetic probe for rocks, recordings, nanotechnology.
Femtoseconde ? On vous dit tout.
Enquete sur le parc femtoseconde francais. (.pdf)
30fs/100TW : Un laser de l'ENSTA fait 70 fois mieux que le soleil...
Information on alternative methods to animal experiments
at any stage of development and validation.
Danish scientists have discovered the oldest DNA in the permafrost...
An engineer from Suffolk in the UK has invented a new rotary engine...
Le Monde diplomatique juin 2003 :
Chaque jour, dans le monde, le travail tue 5 000 personnes.
Scientists have developed a technique for making micromachines.
Electronic paper: Flexible active-matrix electronic ink display.
Buckyball wires sheathed with boron nitride insulation.
Electronic paper: Flexible active-matrix electronic ink display.
Robotic book scanning at the Stanford University libraries.
La realite virtuelle accessible a tous a Laval.
A new scanning microscope developed at Brown University.
L'holographie prend du relief.  Science et Avenir  p82-87   mai 2003.
Virtual life-forms mutate, shedding light on evolution.
Evolution: storm of the eye.
Clefs CEA n°47 - Recherche et simulation.
La rupture du verre : ductile comme celle du métal
mais à l'échelle nanométrique.
Europe sets June 2 for Mars launch date.
Nerve cell damage in mammalian brain
after exposure to microwaves from GSM mobile phones.
IBM created the world's smallest solid-state light emitter.
Carbon nanotubes light up.
Planetary protection on Mars Mission planners worry about contamination
Radio RFI : Micromega Le magazine des sciences et des techniques.
Center for Nanotechnology.
Nanotubes grown to wire chips.
Capsulution NanoScience AG signs development co-operation
with Dutch OctoPlus B.V.
DNA used to foil textile counterfeiters.
The brave new nano world.
Proteins produce nano-magnetic computer memory.
Consortium seeks to unlock doors of nanoscale science.
Carbon molecule inspires hope in medicine, energy sectors.
Pea pod living in the russian lada greenhouse onboard the ISS.
Gallium nitride yields optically active nanotubes.
Undergraduate creates nanofilter for biomedical lab-on-a-chip.
Shining light on the nanoscale.
Microsoft, landmark to equip theatres for digital films.
GM, BMW to develop liquid hydrogen refueling technology
La nanopage : ecran souple et tactile.
Amazing magnetic fluids.
European nanotech. pressroom
ALIOSCOPY : a 3D TV system for any camera, display and no glasses !
Hitchhiking bacteria could compromise the detection of life on Mars
Nanotech decoys for viruses.
Building nano composites for space applications.
Après plus de 30 ans et 12 milliards de kilomètres,
la sonde américaine, Pioneer-10, a cessé d'émettre.
How to make the smallest, most perfect, densest nanowire lattices.
Lighting energy savings opportunities in hotel guestrooms.
University of Toronto at Mississauga as demonstration site for the world's largest solid oxide fuel cell.
Silver nanoclusters make logic gates.
Pacific fuel cell corp. announces unique process to grow CN's...
Artificial tendons made from spider webs into injured humans within five years.
The big down : From genome to atoms. (PDF 665 Ko.)
Green plans for tiny tech.
The defense industry's 'fantastic voyage' into the world of nanotechnology.
Canada scientists warn of brewing nanotech battle.
Indian scientist makes breakthrough in nanotechnology.
DOE's NERSC Center deploys 10 teraflops per second IBM supercomputer.
UCLA chemists report new method for producing carbon nanoscrolls, an alternative to nanotubes.
Build nanotechnology facility or fall behind, says DTI report.
IBM supercomputer to aid nano research at Rice.
Hyperschnelle lichtblitze enthüllen innenleben von molekülen. /
Attosecond control of electronic processes by intense light fields.
Jacques Chirac inaugure un pôle de recherche en nanotechnologies.
Nanotech lays groundwork for innovation.
The smallest sight: researchers zoom in on the nanoscale.
Attophysics: Lighting the way.
U-Michigan launches ambitious exploration of inner space.
Optical trap provides new insights into motor molecules - nature`s ultimate nanomachines.
New molecular self-assembly technique may mimic how cells assemble themselves.
Promise of intelligent networks.
Top 500 des ordinateurs les plus puissants fin 2002, le n°7 est francais...
Senate Bill to fund ethical, social nanotech studies
Drexler in New York Times
DNA becomes new storage mode.
Photronics, MII devise first 'nano-imprint templates'.
DNA molecule provides a computing machine with both data and fuel.
Another small step for nano-imprint lithography.
Optical trap provides new insights into motor molecules.
Pace-setting nanotubes may power micro-devices.
Ralph Merkle, has left molecular engineering startup Zyvex Corporation.
Nanotech to pave way for micro-machines.
Tiny computational machine fueled by DNA wins Guinness record.
Nanowires approach the quantum realm.
Single molecule switches for less.
Nanotech reasearch center to start.
Pioneer 10 still beats but no lock.
Bill aims to give US nanotech edge.
Tiny nanotrains could power big changes in the future.

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