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Energy savings in electric motor driven systems in industry.
elliptec miniature piezomotors.
Un nouveau projet mene par le NEDO en ceramique electronique. / Une "self-organisation" de nanoparticules pouvant former des pistes. / Un film ultra-mince et ultra-souple.
Nanowires within nanowires.
Bienvenue dans Cosmos, aux frontières du virtuel.
Z80 8-Bit CPU formed on glass substrate : First step toward futuristic "sheet computers".
Researchers transmit sense of touch, feel fine.
Nanotechnologies, materiaux et procedes industriels. / Nanocristaux semi-conducteurs pour emissions infrarouges. / IMS, leader mondial en lithographie. / Femtolasers : production de lasers a impulsions ultracourtes.
IMEC combines micro-nanotechnology to develop a distributed sensor network.
New nanoparticle coating mimics dolphin skin Prevents 'biofouling' of ship hulls.
Electronic devices based on single molecules.
Switch turns microscopic motor on and off. / NanoApex.
ROBOSEM : European project for smart and small robots for the micro world. (.pdf 329Ko.)
Salon des microtechnologies   Micronora 2002 : Les laureats.
"L'être humain est la seule créature intelligente vivant sur la planète Terre. Pourtant...
Training In Micro-Engineering (325 Ko. .doc).
Molecules power nanoscale computers. / News about Vitual Reality.
Molecular film on liquid mercury reveals new properties.
atom-scale changes in certain materials can dramatically affect their ability...
A microbe which is resistant to radiation may have come from Mars, Russian scientists say.
Using computers, scientists successfully predict evolution of E. Coli bacteria.
... a grain of sand-size UV source of light that operates at a high level of efficiency...
News about Virtual Reality VR213-161102
Researchers develop chemical switch to control biomolecular motor.
Nanotechnology boosts sustainable production.
Circuits size of a molecule compute. / NEC uses nanotubes in DNA-sorting biochip.
Vision of Science photographic award.
First microbial biotechnology cooperation between the EU and China.
Nano news 111102 / Nanotech war and peace
Dust-sized sensors could monitor weather.
Nanobiotechnologie I: Grundlagen und technische Anwendungen molekularer, Biosysteme.
Mensuel des biotechnologies en allemagne n°13 (pdf 228 Ko.)
Sustainable production : The role of nanotechnologies in Europe. (A lot of documents.)
Professor Harold Kroto, received the ERASMUS medal for C60 discovering.
The European IST Prize
Aluminum shows strange behaviors at atomic level.
Researchers across the Carolinas are thinking big thoughts about small things.
Nanotechs called to duty at Picatinny.
12 microchip makers, plans to locate a $403M research facility at Albany NanoTech.
Israel on cutting edge of the nanotech revolution.
Liquid crystals: Fullerenes stack up well.
Two scientists on opposite sides of the Atlantic exchanged a physical handshake.
IBM builds circuit with carbon monoxide modules.
Plug, UAlbany partner on $5M fuel-cell nanotech research.
Tiny nanotubes form super-tough material when glued together.
Second 'nano valley' lab unveiled
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Nanotechnology boosts sustainable production in Europe.
NASA scientist simulates sub-microscopic parts and wins big award.
La vie techno.   Courrier international   Numero hors serie.
Les 7 merveilles du nanomonde.   Science et avenir   N°668   octobre 2002.
Nanotech, biotech research are converging in Virginia.
Illinois professor markets microbubble drug delivery.
Nanoscience community honors its own with Feynman prizes.
Nanotitan wants to teach the world to speak nanotech.
A new publication : IEE Proceedings - Nanobiotechnology.
European MST activity : Status of European Fabs and exemples of medical applications.
La Lettre Matériaux numéro 124   15 octobre 2002.
Encyclopedia of nanoscience and nanotechnology.
Nanotech: Small Breakthroughs, Big Pull.
L'Earth Simulator sera d'une grande aide pour les nanotubes de carbone. / Une nouvelle decouverte dans les nanotechnologies par 3 etudiants. / La puce a ADN de tous les records. / Un robot de precision pour les manipulations de clonage. / Une horloge laser pour les ordinateurs.
Micronews : Magazine for MEMS, Bio & Microfluidic Chips, Semiconductors and Optics.
Nanomagnetic particles against tumor cancer : UnB vai testar nanoímãs contra tumores.
Radio waves could construct buildings in space.
Nanotechnology. research is focusing on DNA, nature's own molecular-scale instructions...
Bacteria lay bricks on nano scale building site.
STM wins managt. award for sustainable developt. in the EU awards for the environment.
ESA welcomes approval of Aurora missions to Mars.
NASA astrobiologists to study extreme life at earth's highest lake.
A 5-year $5 million program to develop and build fuel-cell system incorporating nanotechnology.
Chemists at the University of Chicago are claiming a diode the size of a single molecule.
Un nouveau developpement de pince optique pour micro-objets. / Procede laser pour diminuer la consommation d'essence. / Analyse du VDI-Technologiezentrums sur les perspectives ouvertes par la recherche appliquee sur les nanobiotechnologies. / Le petrole devient "intelligent" grace a l'ADN.
Nanocylinders open way to polymer electronics.
European commission announces plans to promote nanotechnology.
Molecular machine could develop drugs for bioweapons victims.
Des nanosciences au nanobusiness, un modele a l'americaine : Lettre Materiaux n° 123.
Un rayon de soleil sur les nanotechnologies. / Une nouvelle sorte de fibre optique. / Une nouvelle technologie de fabrication de nanotubes de carbone developpee par Sony / Des puces pour réparer des rétines endommagées / L'Espagne disposera du centre le plus sophistique au monde pour etudier la vie extra-terrestre.
Suivi de la production electrique eolienne  en France.
Intel has big nano plans.NRC demonstrates new spin transistor. / Lasers lick dentists' drills.
A technique which uses atoms rather than light to carve the features in chips.
"microfluidic chip" by carving micro valves and channels in a slice of silicon-based compound.
The world's fastest computer, will soon be diverted to studying the properties of CN's.
Yonsei university produces nano-tech breakthrough.
IBM finds new way to make nanotubes. / Intel to intro tri-gate transistor.
Senators backing `nanotechnology' research plans.
Aerosonde : Global robotic observation system.
3-D Television for space.   /   La television en relief promue depuis l'espace.
Biopuces   p32-35 / Les microtechnologies   dossier pII-XI.
Industrie et technologies   n°840 septembre 2002.
Exploring our solar system will require a new breed of SmartBots. / DNA codes own error correction. / Signs of water found on distant planets. / Building nano sized DNA structures. / Nanotubes could reduce CO2 emissions. / 'Ballistic' gives nano a bad name.
La Lettre Matériaux numéro 122   15 septembre 2002. / Lettres MINATEC.
Livre : Voyage au cœur de la matière
Tiny worms survive 100 times 1G. / Nano-welding creates tiny junctions.
New dimensions for manufacturing a UK strategy for nanotechnology.
Un indice de refraction negatif revolutionne l'electronique. / Experimental Verification of Focusing in Compact, Planar Left-Handed Metamaterials.
Une licence a ete achetee par Frontier Carbon Corp pour la separation des fullerenes. / Production de nanotubes de carbone a l'aide d'alcool. / Nanotubes : entre enthousiasme et inquiétudes. / Des pinces optiques pour jouer. / Microprocesseur a 90 nanometres : 3 industriels s'allient a Singapour. / L IME s'equipe pour les nanotechnologies. / L'ecriture a l'echelle nanometrique.
An internat. meeting of french senate on nanotech. 20 June 2002.(.doc 287 Ko).
Welcome to the experiment.
Atomic-scale memory chip using individual atoms. / Friction traced to the single atom.
Technologies clefs en 2005     (PDF : 1.3Mo).
HP uses nanotechnology for new circuit. / Molecule-sized sensors might rocket into space in astronaut blood cells. / Chemical and biological agents distant detection using a laser light source.
Nanotech by the numbers.
La Lettre Matériaux numéro 121   1 septembre 2002.
NRC demonstrates new spin transistor.
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