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With an evolutionary milestone, the race for survival began.
Pourquoi le futur n'a pas besoin de nous.
La face cachée des nanotechnologies
Bugs from the deep may be window into the origins of life.
Sea floor hot springs as teeming with valuable minerals and microbes.
Mettez une boîte à pharmacie dans votre cerveau...
Un plan d'action francais en faveur des nanotechnologies.
Nanosciences and nanotechnology publications.
Natural bandages that mimic body's healing process
EU project to deliver hydrogen fuel pumps at petrol stations.
Nanofils de palladium pour détecteurs à hydrogène.
Nanotech may spark fierce ethical row.
Canada scientists warn of brewing nanotech battle.
Nobel laureates oppose war against Iraq.
At more than $1 billion a day, in 2004 the United States' military budget would be larger than the combined military spending of the next 11 nations.
Spending on High-Tech Weapons Remains at Low Level.
Thinking beyond the shuttle. / 'space elevator'. / Space elevator gets lift / Self-assembling nanotubes bring the impossible dream of space elevators down to Earth.
Les nanotubes : materiaux du futur. / Conférence : Les nanotubes de carbone : propriétés et applications / Le décollage de l'ascenseur spatial / Ascenseur pour le cosmos   p34-37   Ciel et espace   01-2003.
Nanotechnology cluster to be formed in Korea.
NASA, UCLA to launch new institute to improve aerospace systems.
'Sticky' DNA crystals promise new way to process information.
The secret of life.
Nanotechnology could save the ozone layer.
New research integrates microfluidics with nanotechnology.
Surface nanotechnology: self-cleaning coatings
Shutdown of nanotech irresponsible and dangerous.
Bush proposes funding for hydrogen fuel cells.
From Nanotechnology's Sidelines, One More Warning.
Safe Utilization of Advanced Nanotechnology.
Increased US space budget highlights search for extraterrestrial life.
Purdue researchers connect life's blueprints with its energy source.
Lives lost, lives saved: The benefits of shuttle science.
Nanotech points way to petabyte disk drives.
Biophysicists have built a DNA nanomolecular device that expands and contracts with the addition of "fuel" DNA.
The free electronic newsletter and information resource for
Virtual Reality (VR) and interactive three-dimensional (i3D) systems.
Lettre de la cite des sciences et de l'industrie fevrier 2003.
Gates Gives $200 Million to Aid Poor Nations.
Free-electron laser explores promise of carbon nanotubes. / Surfactant curtails nanotube clumping in water. / Rice university announces nanotech deal with IBM.
Nanodevice breaks 1-GHz barrier.
MEMS found to be highly efficient in vacuum conditions.
Olsen twins to study nanotech at RPI.   /   MikroWebFab.   /   Les piles a combustible.
"The world's first cloned baby will be born in Belgrade in January",
controversial Italian gynaecologist Severino Antinori said.
Center for responsible nanotechnology.
DNA damage-induced replication fork regression
and processing in escherichia.
Shaped laser pulses as reagents.
Molecular dots rise for information storage.
NanoApex. / Artificial Intelligence.
Purdue's NASA center to boost computing power on spacecraft.
Nuclear fusion could power NASA spacecraft. + Space forum
Recognition of the anniversary of publication of
the Watson and Crick paper on D.N.A. structure.
Attosecond physics: Snapshots of an excited atom / First light for attophysics
L'effet "Lotus" disponible prochainement sous forme d'aerosol. / Decouverte d'un materiau nanoporeux metallique a partir d'un alliage a base de nickel. / Nouveau procede pour la capture d'image en 3D. / Reparer les nerfs sectionnes n'est plus une utopie. / Premier prototype du jardin de l'espace.
Micro-usinage du bois par impulsions laser ultra-courtes.
Récents développements des lasers femtoseconde au japon.
Breakthrough brings laser light to new regions of the spectrum.
NHS robot takes up Bond role. / Nanotech Takes a Giant Step Down!
Fish's re-grown heart gives hope for humans.
Intelligence could saturate the universe, says Kurzweil.
NASA plans to send two rovers to Mars.
Technion sells nanotechnology patents for $4m, royalties.
Deux projets scientifiques canadiens
a bord de la navette spatiale Columbia (mission STS-107).
Bringing the coldness of space to the sahara. / Entretien avec Pierre Brisson, resp. du programme de transfert de technologies a l'ESA.
Scientist bombards brains with super-magnets to edifying effect.
Israeli scientists have succeeded in using stem cells to grow
miniature human kidneys in mice.
6th European framework program : Nanotechnologies and nano-sciences, knowledge-based multifunctional materials and new production processes and devices.
Busquin outlines his vision of a 'European scientific television area'.
PolyOne and Nanocor linked to produce, market nanocomposite plastics.
Caring Products for G-Lam ultra light anti-ballistic Nano-Denier material.
NASA and Univ. group begins new NanoElectronics Institute.
Evolution may have been constrained by
the changing chemistry of the environment...
ARAS : Augmented Reality Aided Surgery.
Elektrik und Elektronik im Auto für viele Panne verantwortlich.
Tough microbes offer clues to self-assembling nano-structures.
Remarkable dinosaur footprints recorded with 3D laser measurement.
Nanowire lasers go electric.
A 200 attoseconds laser pulse in 2005.
"The future of electronics is nanosized"
Rice develops nanosensor for precision chemical analysis.
Researchers improve tabletop EUV laser system.
Expanding the genetic code: The world's first artificial organism.
Radiation-resistant organism reveals its defense strategies.
Des chercheurs japonais et coreens ont utilise de l'ADN afin d'etaler des nanoparticules magnetiques sur un substrat de silicium. / Une fine poudre de cuivre resistant a l'oxydation developpee par Sumitomo Metal Mining Co. / Nanotechnologies et globules rouges artificiels. / Les nanofibres de carbone croissent a temperature ambiante. / Des nanotubes de carbone en forme de rubans pour ecrans TV.
Nanotechnology is good for the heart.
Présentation officielle de la maquette du pôle Minatec.
Boulder firm uses nanotechnology to improve tennis game.
Fracture protection: nanotubes toughen up ceramics.
Nanosphere Inc. receives additional $5M. in third round of financing.
Researchers uncover extreme lake.
National Nanofabrication Users Network   A sampling of research 2002.
Habitable planets may be common.
Butterflies point to micro machines.
New Jersey Inst. of Technology to develop smart coating for U.S. Army.
A backlash against nanotechnology.
In the world of the very small, companies make big plans.
Race to develop ultimate detection technology in terror war.
Precursors to early earth life found in canadian meteorite.
Astronomers in Europe for the world largest optical telescope project.
Comment expliquer ce que sont les nanotechnologies ?
How explain what is meant by nanotechnology ?
European governments must be aware that, if they don't react, the current gap will soon become a daunting gulf.
The secrets of a cell's skeleton at 8-angstrom resolution.   /   Brownian motion in metal.
Automates intelligents.
A first step to cutting reliance on oil.
Modélisation de la CompleXité MCX et Pensée Complexe APC
Nano news 171202.
Ancient, Frozen Antarctic Life Revived, Along with Hopes for Life on Mars.
The Nanodrive Project    By Peter Vettiger and Gerd Binnig.
ISS astronaut diagnostics advances telemedicine technology.
IBM develops smaller transistor.   /   IBM reveals world's tiniest transistor.
From photocopiers to space probes, machines injected with robotic
self-awareness are reliable problem solvers.
Nanoparticles could aid biohazard detection in computer industry.
Education key part of nano research.   /   EASA : European Academic Software Award 2002.
Water ice found near south pole of mars.   /   Issue Fullerenes 10.
Les technologies pour demain.   L'usine nouvelle.
Supplement n°2849 du 28 nov 2002.
Les rencontres de la Science en Direct ont pour objectif de favoriser la rencontre du grand public avec un acteur de la science.
Palais de la Decouverte   Paris.
Motorola researchers find a better way to test molecules.
Nanotech dealflow picks up.   /   Michael Crichton's Nano War
The self-interconnection of nanostructures could lead to nanoscale circuits.
JPK Instruments AG profitable with nanobiotechnology after only 6 months.
Première récolte de soja spatial
France 2 : Drones et mini-drones. mardi 26 novembre JT 13 heures
Special cerveau   Pour la Science    Decembre 2002.
Craig Venter gets go-ahead to build lifeform.
A European Space Agency conference looked at how advanced space technologies can be used to improve the safety and performance of Europe's cars.
Autumn leaves covering railway lines and tram tracks cleaned by laser.
Nanoparticles save paper. / GE bet on nanotech R&D. / Nano news 251002
L'université populaire de Michel Onfray fait le plein.

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