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Utilisation de fullerenes (C60) pour les applications portables de piles a combustible.
Nanotech : Special issue   Scientific american    September 2001.
A step forward in nanotechnology.   ///   Lettre 26 ADEMIS.PDF ( 530 Ko.) .
Nanotechnology for all.   ///   Three New York colleges to build Nanotechnology centers.
SI Diamond Technology, Inc. announces that it developed a new high volume low cost production method for carbon nanotubes utilizing a catalyst of...
Les debuts prometteurs des nanotechnologies. / Nanomateriaux a Montreal.
L'elargissement de la pluridisciplinarite encourage par les nanosciences.
Purdue university receives $30M to build nanotechnology center.
Shipley Company Awarded Key Low-K Dielectric Patent.
Altair nanotechnologies retains west coast investment banker.   /   Nanotechnology: Ntera rectifies, round not yet closed.
NanoSource Technologies, Inc. enters into alliance with Cosmetic Specialty.
Formation of Angstrom Partners LLC announced.
3-D Television for space.   /   La télévision en relief promue depuis l'espace.
Agitations autour des nanotubes de carbone. / Developpement d'une methode de production industrielle de fullerenes. / Le Canada rentre dans la nouvelle ere " nano " / Des fullerenes efficaces a des temperatures plus clementes. / Michael Dertouzos : Disparition d'un visionnaire de l'informatique. / Transfert de technologie dans le domaine des nano.
Nanotechnology experts to discuss next new frontier in Boston briefing.
Silicon valley's new promise: Nanotechnology.   /   Nanotech. emerges as next new frontier.
NEC, JST, IRI develop tiny fuel cell for mobile terminals using nanotechnology.
Virginia nanotechnology firm works on energy alternatives.
Superconductivity finding could lead to ultrafast computers.   /   Small is big.
Le temps le plus court jamais mesure : 250 attosecondes.
First Definitive Study on Nanotechnology Released by Lux Capital.
Nanosys co-founder publishes report in Science describing the optical properties of nanowires.
IBM builds smallest-ever computer circuit.
Un nouveau centre de recherche sur les nano. a Edmonton, Alberta. / Nanotechnologies au Bresil et en Australie. / Cooperation franco-allemande pour un super-laser high-tech.
L'ASE lance un projet de création d'un écosystème spatial artificiel.
IDB invests $2m. in TAU nanotechnology center.   /   Nanopointe de diamant.
Local area optometrists receive training on next generation LASIK procedure.
Real-time detection of ions and biomolecules through advances in nanotechnology.
Little big science.   /   Nanotechnology to get mega-funding.
Nanotech. is seen having a massive future.   /   Light shed on brave new world of nanotech.
US/Australia Dendrimer nanotechnology venture to be established.
Could life exist in cosmic dust ?   /   Nanoparticles find stability in orbit.
Sukgyung AT Co. zooms in on nanotechnology application market.
Un microscope permettant de voir des atomes a l'unite.
Un systeme laser femtosecondes plus efficace et moins couteux.
Un nouveau centre de recherche dans le domaine des nanotechnologies.
De la construction des nanomachines.   /   Survey of european nanotechnology networks.
Nano-Transistor switches with just one electron, may be ideal for molecular computers.
Nouvelle technologie d'enregistrement optique par stockage quantique.
Un engrenage particulierement petit.   /   Nano-tunnels creuses dans du saphir.
Un microscope pour observer le magnetisme a l'echelle atomique. / Forum Laser 2001 a Munich : laser a impulsions  femtoseconde. / 100 Millions de Marks pour la recherche a l'echelle du nanometre. / Mitsubishi et Mitsui investissent dans les nanotechnologies. /
Le plus petit laser UV du monde.
The Soot That Could Change the World.
Un édifice moléculaire de forme identique à celle de virus, mis au point au CEA. + Nature.
Un pas de plus vers le futur ordinateur quantique : pouvoir deplacer des atomes a l'unite.
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From the ground floor: The business paths to nanotech. / Intel unveils fastest silicon transistor.
Soutient du gouvernement coreen aux nanotechnologies.   /   Investissement de la Banque de Developpement du Japon dans le domaine des nanotechnologies.
It may not be bacteria in the martian meteorite, but their tracks. p12  New scientist 2 june 2001.
Nanotechnology may help city keep "energy capital" title.   /   The next big thing is tiny.
Spraying nanoporous silica. p1612. / Observation of a train of attosecond (-18) pulses from high harmonic generation. p1689-1692.   Science   vol 292   1 june 2001.
Nanotubes supraconducteurs. p20. / Les mineraux et la naissance de la vie. p38-44. / La robotique evolutionniste. p70-76.   Pour la science   n° 284   juin 2001.
La microscopie de force atomique.    Cahier n° 134   5 pages    Biofutur n°212    juin 2001.
UTD to create nanotech. research institute.   /   Nanotechnology's microstructure illustrated
Computing comes to life   p204-208   American Scientist   vol 89 may-june 2001.
Investissements des entreprises japonaises dans le domaine des nanotechnologies.
State needs to get involved in nanotechnology.   /   Dept of Def. reveals nanotech. spending.
Lord of the dance : Meet the tiny robot… p22-23.   New scientist   26 may   2001.
Pushing The Limits On Nanotechnology.   /   Seoul to Invest Big in Nanotechnology.
Austin-based NANOTECHNOLOGIES, Inc. Launches Second-Round of Fund-Raising.
L'Europe prend enfin le virage industriel des " technologies du microscopique "
How viruses spread among computers and people. p1316-1317. Science vol 292  18 may 2001.
Resuscitated "alien" microbes stir up an italian storm. p229 / A fine set of threads. p236.
Nature   vol 411   17 may 2001.
Top japanese cos, govt focus on Nanotechnology Nikkei.
Naissance d'une jeune pousse dans le domaine des nanotechnologies.
Des fullerenes de sulfure de tungstene ou molybdene.
Single crystals of SWCN formed by self assembly. p1136-1139. / Physical. properties determining self-organization of motors and microtubules. p1167-1171.   Science   vol 292   11 may 2001.
Les nanoparticules furtives.   p18   Biofutur 211    mai 2001.
Nanoscale circuits are made the simple way.   /   Nanotube magic.
Intelligence artificielle et nanotechnologies : du nouveau en Alberta.
Des nanotubes de carbone en helice.
Control. rotation of optically trapped microscopic particles. p912-914 Science vol 292  4 may 01.
Cooperation franco-bresilienne en nanotechnologie.   /   Nanotechnology gets a boost.
Device for use in nanotech. unveiled.   /   Scientists spin microscopic particles with laser beams.
Jusqu'où l'ordinateur calculera-t-il?   /   Nanotriode-type transistor utilizing carbon nanotubes.
Scientists take a new step toward building tiny computers by creating an array of carbon tubes.
The immortals : what's to stop bacteria living forever ? p36-39   /   Bullets from a tiny plasma gun that threaten eyesight. p22.   New scientist    28 april 2001.
Nanoelectronique : partenariat entre IBM et l'Etat de New York.
Chicago federe de nombreuses initiatives dans le domaine des nanotechnologies.
Investissements japonais dans le domaine des nanotechnologies.
Atomic-scale tinker toys : recipe controls nanocrystal shape & size.
Holograms of atoms. p1037-1039   Nature   vol 410   26 april 2001.
La lumiere qui soigne.
Optical engineering for sensing and nanotechnology.   /   Nanotubes à la sauce ADN.
A World first : first solid-state synthesis of carbon nanotubes at NUS.
Empreinte genetique artificielle.   /   Ultrafast-laser ablation creates new thin films.
The NASA-NCI collaboration on biomolecular sensors. p443-444 Science vol 292 20 april 2001.
Satellite will probe mutating seeds in space p857   Nature   vol 410   19 april 2001.
UAlbany will establish school devoted to nanotechnology.
Is it all just a pipe dream ? p734-735 / Quantum computing in molecular magnets p789-793 / Optical polymer thin film with isotropic and anisotropic nano-corrugated surface topologies. p796-799. Nature   vol 410   12 april 2001.
Molecular substitution produces terahertz switch arrays.
Designer molecules link together to make nanotubes a snap.
Carbon nanotechnologies Inc. (CNI) brings in new investors; Announces plans to scale up SWCN.
Carbon Nanotechnologies gets $15M.   /   Using nanotechnology to create improved plastics.
Nanotube "peapods" show electrifying promise.   p45   Science   vol 292   6 april 2001.
UCSD Researchers create a home for liver cells on a silicon chip.
Molecules at the edge (with ultrafast observations).   p645-648   Nature   vol 410   5 april 2001.
Alien hunters devise world's smallest microphone.
He Nanoclusters Retain Full Magnetic Qualities.   /   Italy's Fiat signs nanotech. research pact.
HP re-invents itself. / Studying Liquid Jets A Few Nanometers In Diameter.
Nanotechnology Info. Devices (NID). / Nanophase Tech. Announces First Quarter Revenues.
Funds for nanotechnology, IT research boosted in Bush budget.
One holographic lump or two ?   p23   New scientist   31 march 2001.
Measurement of short-range chemical bonding forces p2580-2583 Science vol 291 30 march 2001.
Dragging single electrons p531-533. / production of iron nanoparticles by laser irradiation in a simulation of lunar-like space weathering p555-557. / Manipulation of elementary charge in a silicon charge-coupled device p560-562.   Nature   vol 410   29 march 2001.
The network premiere of interplanetary (laser) telly   p32-35.   New scientist   24 march 2001.
Electrochromic nanocrystal quantum dots. p2390-2392   Science   vol 291   23 march 2001.
Japan textile trader eyes edge in carbon nanotubes.
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