A new theory concerning the properties of nanometre-scale circuits p424-425. / Stable ultrahigh-density magneto-optical recording using introduced linear defects p444-446. / Evolution of nanoporosity in dealloying p450-453. Nature vol 410 22 march 2001.
A light-driven linear motor at the molecular level p2105-2106. / Colloidal nanocrystal shape and size control : the case of Cobalt p2115-2117. Science vol 291 16 march 2001.
Observation de la distribution magnetique au niveau atomique. / Montee des nanotechnologies au Japon. / Fusion d'une surface d'un cristal sans apport de chaleur. / Marquage de l'eau par molécule d'ADN synthétique.
Un robot de 0,63 cm3 !!! / Des nanospheres pour la mesure de temperature. / Showa Denko utilise son savoir-faire pour lancer la production de nanotubes de carbone.
Directed assembly of one-dimensional nanostructures into functional networks. p630-633. / Capture of a single molecule in a nanocavity p636-640. Science 26 january 2001 vol 291.
Conformational changes of single molecules induced by scanning tunneling microscopy manip. : A route to molecular switching. p672-675 Physical Review Letters 22 jan 2001 vol86 n°4.
Combinatorial optimization of heterogeneous catalysts in the growth of carbon nanotubes p260-264. / Preparation and characterization of polypyrrole-coated nanosized novel ceramics p456-461. / electrophoretic deposition of nano diamond particles p547-551. Langmuir 23 jan 2001.
Resonant electron scattering by defects in single-walled carbon nanotubes. p283-285 / String tension and stability of magic tip-suspended nanowires. p288-290. Science 12 january 2001.
Japan plans joint project on nanoscale semiconductors. p508 / Electronics using hybrid-molecular and mono-molecular devices. p541-548 / Superconductivity at 52 K in hole-doped C60 p549-552.
Japan plans joint project on nanoscale semiconductors. p508 / Electronics using hybrid-molecular and mono-molecular devices. p541-548 / Superconductivity at 52 K in hole-doped C60 p549-552.