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A new theory concerning the properties of nanometre-scale circuits p424-425. / Stable ultrahigh-density magneto-optical recording using introduced linear defects p444-446. / Evolution of nanoporosity in dealloying p450-453.   Nature   vol 410   22 march 2001.
To store data, a hologram 'picture' is worth a million bits.   ///   Medicine balls.
Bacteriorhodopsin Optical Memory. / Nanotubes : les premieres applications sont pour bientôt.
Reasons behind water's central role in chemistry of life.
Tokyo unveils 193 billion $ RD plan.   ///   Japanese Govt., universities to open nanotech R labs.
Fully Integrated Millimeter RF Array Using a C. Nanotube Cathode.   ///   Carbon-Free Nanotubes.
A light-driven linear motor at the molecular level p2105-2106.  /  Colloidal nanocrystal shape and size control : the case of Cobalt p2115-2117.   Science   vol 291   16 march 2001.
Slow Release of Fullerene-like WS2 Nanoparticles from Fe-Ni Graphite Matrix: A Self-Lubricating Nanocomposite.
Nanobelts Have Advantages Over Nanotubes And Wires.
Toward attosecond pulses p1911-1913.  /  X-ray pulses approching the attosecond frontier  p1923-1927.  /  Spherical bilayer vesicles of fullerene-based surfactants in water...p1944-1947.  /  Nanobelts of semiconducting oxides  p1947-1949.   Science   vol 291   9 march 2001.
Thin solid films roll up into nanotubes   p168   Nature   vol 410   8 march 2001.
La Commission européenne veut accroître et concentrer l'effort de recherche.
Faster nanowires may advance nanotech. applications for detecting glucose, hormones or DNA.
BN nanostructures stronger, lighter than steel.///Tool of future lies in the answer to nanotubes.
Le prix "Nanosciences 2001" / Une methode de fab. des nanotubes en semi-conducteurs.
Premières retombées des budgets US 2001 dans le domaine des nanotechnologies.
Nanotubes produced by ball milling.   ///   Articles about fullerenes and C60.
La lumière à la vitesse d'un cycliste   p14-15   Pour la science   n °281   mars 2001.
Non-thermal melting in semiconductors measured at femtosecond resolution.
p65-68   Nature   1 march 01   vol 410.
Conférence RealAudio en français : nanotubes : matériaux du futur    Annick LOISEAU    ONERA.
Observation de la distribution magnetique au niveau atomique. / Montee des nanotechnologies au Japon. / Fusion d'une surface d'un cristal sans apport de chaleur. / Marquage de l'eau par molécule d'ADN synthétique.
Hypothesis that meteorites could transfer life between planets in the solar system.
Multi-Tech has invested in a new class of therapeutic drugs, based on the fullerene molecule.
Construction of highly conductive nanowires on a DNA template.
Biocavity lasers. p152-159 / Fullerene polymers and fullerene polymer composites. Peter C. Eklund & Apparap  394p.  Springer  2000  $99. (see p181)  American Scientist   vol 89   march-april 2001.
Effect of gravity on carbon plasma created by arc discharge.    ///    Etudiants en apesanteur.
Crystal grown inspace are quieter microproces. p21 New scientist 24feb2001 / APL p478 vol78
Impact event at the permian-triassic boundary : Evidence from extraterrestrial noble gases in fullerenes. p1530-1533   Science   23 feb 2001   vol 291.
White house seeks more money for Nanotechnology.
Efficient encapsulation of antisense oligonucleotides in lipid vesicles using ionizable aminolipids: formation of novel small multilamellar vesicle structures.
Un laser femtoseconde utilise comme regle graduee optique.
Produire des nanoparticules dans une flamme.
Un robot de 0,63 cm3 !!!   /   Des nanospheres pour la mesure de temperature.   /   Showa Denko utilise son savoir-faire pour lancer la production de nanotubes de carbone.
ADEMIS   /   Cornell nanofabrication facility.   /   Kompetenzzentrum nanotechnology.
Fullerenes as signature of the 250 million-year-old event./2nd paper.
Molecular rulers for scaling down nanostructures. p1019-1020   Science   9 feb 2001   vol 291.
Nanoreactors from polymer-stabilized liposomes. p919-923  Langmuir  6 feb 2001  vol17  n°5.
Korean Ministry announces a major initiative to boost bioscience, nanotechnology.
Space probes that will adapt to harsh environments, heal themselves and even evolve into better,smarter machines. p27-30   New scientist   3 feb 2001.
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Functional nanoscale electronic devices assembled using silicon nanowire building blocks. p851-853. Science   2 feb 2001   vol 291.
A laser that turns down the heat. p572-573 / Ultrafast colour displays. p575-576.
Nature   1 feb 2001   vol 409.
Directed assembly of one-dimensional nanostructures into functional networks. p630-633. / Capture of a single molecule in a nanocavity p636-640.   Science 26 january 2001   vol 291.
Watching an atom tunnel p471-472 / Observation of coherent optical information storage in an atomic medium using halted light pulses.  p490-493   Nature   25 jan 2001   vol 409.
NanoWorld Consolidates Research & Development Activities.
pH-controlled macromolecule encapsulation in and release from polyelectrolyte multilayer nanocapsules. p44-46   Macromol. Rapid Commun. 1022-1336   24 jan 2001   vol 22.
Conformational changes of single molecules induced by scanning tunneling microscopy manip. : A route to molecular switching. p672-675  Physical Review Letters 22 jan 2001 vol86 n°4.
Orientational disorder as a function of temperature in the clathrate structure of hydroquinone and C60.   p1003-1010   Acta Crystallographica B. 0108-7681   B56   vol 56   part 6.
6 articles de "Libération" concernant les nanotechnologies.
Characterizing Optical Components for Ultrafast Laser Applications.
Turning nanotube can control electrical flow./// First Undergraduate Nanotech Program Launched.
International Workshop on the Science and Application of Nanotubes.
The International Laser Prize./Joanneum Research./Zyvex Joins RPI Development Round Table.
Combinatorial optimization of heterogeneous catalysts in the growth of carbon nanotubes p260-264. / Preparation and characterization of polypyrrole-coated nanosized novel ceramics p456-461. / electrophoretic deposition of nano diamond particles p547-551. Langmuir 23 jan 2001.
Topology of two dimensional C60 domains p304-305.   Nature   18 jan 2001.
University of Florida launches nanotechnology institute.   ///    Can carbon nanotubes handle high-energy particles ?   ///   Nanotechnology Firms Start Small in Building Big Future.
Les scientifiques predisent un grand avenir aux petits appareils electroniques, mais...
Resonant electron scattering by defects in single-walled carbon nanotubes. p283-285 / String tension and stability of magic tip-suspended nanowires. p288-290.   Science   12 january 2001.
Networks of nanotubes and containers. p150-152   Nature   11 january 2001.
How research fared : Cross-agency nanotech initiative +69.6 %  p33. / 2750 nanometer-tall wineglass p39. / Switched-on nickel. p56-57. / Atomically resolved carbon nanotube intramolecular jonctions p97-100. / Science   vol 291   5 january 2001.
Les nouvelles frontières de la génomique.   Biofutur   numéro spécial n°206   décembre 2000.
Montemagno research group : nanoscale biological engineering and transport group.
Manipulations d'atomes et de molécules sur des surfaces.   ///   De la lumière avec les nanofils.
Watch DNA Unzip in Micromovie Molecular action film highlights potential of nanotechnology.
Standard MEMS and Zyvex Announce Development Partnership.
X-ray crystal structure : biomolecular recognition of C60.   ///   De l'ADN liquide.
An alternative interpretation of nanobacteria-induced biomineralization.
Indium phosphide nanowires as building blocks for nanoscale electronic and optoelectronic devices p66-69   Nature   vol 409   4 january 2000.
Les nanotechnologies et le plancton p20-21   La recherche   janvier 2000.
The NASA Serpentine Robotics Project.   ///   The NIST Molecular Measuring Machine (M3).
Molecular movers & shakers p904 / Electric-field ferromagnetism control. p944-946 / Mesoscopic fast ion conduction in nano planar heterostructures. p946-949. Nature 21-28 dec 2000.
Element-selective single atom imaging. p2280-2282. / A quantum dot single-photon turnstile device p2282-2285.   Science   vol 290   22 dec 2000.
Molybdenum nanowires by electrodeposition. p2120-2123 / Ultrahigh density nanowires arrays grown in self-assembled diblock copolymer templates. p2126-2129 / Magnetic (nano)wires promise giant step for memory. p2047-2048.   Science   vol 290   15 dec 2000.
Nanowire fabrication process may lead to ultra-dense data storage.
Crystals branch out into exotic shapes.   p1875   Science   vol 290   8 dec 2000.
Des nanofils de toutes les couleurs.     ///     California nanosystems institut.
UC Irivne chemists create uniform conductive nanowires to be used in microelectronics
New nanofabrication technology developed by UMass researchers may have big impact.
A giant atomic slide-puzzle. p665   Nature   vol 408   7 dec 2000
Cross-linking nanostructured spherical capsules as buiding units by crystal engineering.
p847-854   Solid State Sciences   vol 2   dec 2000   n°8.
Self-mode-locking of quantum cascade lasers with giant ultrafast optical nonlinearities. p1739-1742 / Tunable resistance of carbon nanotube-graphite interface.p1742-1744 Science 1 dec 2000
Japan plans joint project on nanoscale semiconductors. p508 / Electronics using hybrid-molecular and mono-molecular devices. p541-548 / Superconductivity at 52 K in hole-doped C60 p549-552.
Nature   vol 408   30 nov 2000.
Spin-dependent tunneling in self-assembled cobalt-nanocrystal superlattices.
p1131-1134   Science   10 nov 2000.
Next generation semiconductors may rely on focus Ion beam lithography (FIB).
C60 enters upscale manufacturing phase for fullerene based anti-HIV drug for patients with AIDS.
L'année technologique.    L'usine nouvelle    Hors série    novembre 2000.
Les bactéries: les plus petits organismes vivants  p70-73  La recherche.   décembre 2000.
Japan plans joint project on nanoscale semiconductors. p508 / Electronics using hybrid-molecular and mono-molecular devices. p541-548 / Superconductivity at 52 K in hole-doped C60 p549-552.
Nature   vol 408   30 nov 2000.
Spin-dependent tunneling in self-assembled cobalt-nanocrystal superlattices.
p1131-1134   Science   10 nov 2000.
Next generation semiconductors may rely on focus Ion beam lithography (FIB).
C60 enters upscale manufacturing phase for fullerene based anti-HIV drug for patients with AIDS.
Les bactéries: les plus petits organismes vivants  p70-73  La recherche.   décembre 2000.
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